I recently preached from Matt. 8:23-27 - Jesus asleep in the boat while His disciples and the rest of the people in boats in the Sea were in horror of dying from the raging storm.
Here is the question: While there are many boats in the Sea to take you to the other side of your destination, or to save you from the current circumstances, which boat are you in?
>>> The boat of science, or government, or politics, or religion, or...the list can go on.
Identify your “boat” and why you chose it! Then ask yourself how reliable is it and does it bring you peace in the midst of the storms of life?

Jesus was asleep in the boat while the storm ranged? Why? Even His disciples asked Him: Do you not care that we will die? (Matt. 8:25)
I’m sure many are asking “Where is God amidst our current crisis?” The answer is: Jesus is NOT social distancing from humanity because of the virus of sin! He is not afraid of any disease and He is ruler over the storms of life!
The reason He wasn’t afraid of the storm is because He was secure in His authority and His position - He is Lord over all!
While Jesus came to us - to this day humanity chooses other “boats” of transportation. But there is only one boat that doesn’t sink - the one where Jesus is!
And the key word is: choice! Jesus has given us a choice to either be with Him or to try and survive on our own...I choose Jesus! You?

The interesting part about Jesus in view of Matt. 8:22-27 is that He always knew His mission, and His destination. There were people waiting on the other side of the Sea to be healed and to hear His teachings.
When we choose Jesus - we choose a life of greater purpose. No matter the storms that may come against us, we will always triumph. That is not to disregard that pain and suffering exist. But what Christ gives us as believers is His authority thru His word and through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
Take courage - you as a believer and follower of Christ are able to triumph amidst the storms. Keep your mission/vision in front of your eyes and don’t let the storm blind you from recognizing that Jesus is still in the boat with you!
Jesus functions from a position of authority and peace. When we know Him in a personal way, we can do the same!
What an awesome Rama word Ceitci...Thank you I really needed it!